Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tugas TIK

Peranan ISP

Peran ISP adalah menghubungkan kita dengan jaringan internet internasional. Jenis layanan yang disediakan oleh setiap ISP kepada setiap pelanggan berbeda-beda. Demikian pula dengan biaya yang dikenakan. Beberapa ISP mungkin memasang tarif perbulan dengan pemakaian tidak terbatas, atau dengan sistem hitungan per jam atau kedua dua nya. Dalam hal ini, pertimbangan tentu saja pada banyak nya waktu pemakaian internet. Contoh pada saat kita membutuhkan internet lebih dari 5 jam sehari mungkin sistem pembayarannya perbulan lebih menguntungkan. Namun jika kita jarang jarang memakai internet, maka sistem pembayaran per jam lebih menguntungkan. Selain itu, beberapa ISP juga menerapkan sistem Abonemen dan biaya overtime (kelebihan waktu pengaksesan) serta biaya biaya lain yang berbeda antara satu ISP dan ISP lainnya.

Untuk dapat terhubung dengan internet melalui ISP kita diharuskan mendaftar terlebih dahulu pada ISP tersebut. Setelah terdaftar, ISP akan memberikan imformasi kepada kita mengenai hal hal berikut:

a. Username, yaitu nama yang harus kita masukkan pada kotak dialog setiap kali kita akanmelakukan hubungan ke ineternet.

b. Password, yaitu kata sandi yang kita gunakan setiap kali akan melakukan hubungan ke internet. Password ini juga sekaligus sebagai pengaman agar orang lain tidak dapat menggunakan akses yang seharus nya menjadi hak kita

c. Nomor yang harus diakses, yaitu nomor telepon untuk melakukan dial-up

d. Nama host dan nama domain

e. Alamat DNS server

ISP bertugas untuk memasang jaringan internet dikomputer. dan cara untuk daoat menjelajahi internet melalui komputer kita adalah kita harus menghubungi ISP dengan fasilitas telepon, cukup dendan menghidupkan modem, menekan tombol connect, kemudian komputer kita sudah terhubung dengan ISP. dan kita dapat menjelajahi dunia internet. Peran ISP dalam pengaksesan internet antara lain :

a. Sebagai media yang memberikan jasa untuk berhubungan dengan internet.

b. Menghubungkan pelanggan ke gateway internet terdekat.

c. Menyediakan modem untuk dial-up.

d. Memberi tempat untuk homepage.

e. ISP melakukan proteksi dari penyebaran virus dengan menerapkan sistem antivirus untuk pelanggannya.

ISP ada yang bersifat tertutup merupakan ISP yang hanya melayani fasilitas jaringan internet untuk jaringan lokal lembaga yang bersangkutan. Misalnya, ISP yang ada pada beberapa departemen milik pemerintah perusahaan-perusahaan besar, lembaga riset, dan lembaga pendidikan. ISP yang bersifat umum merupakan ISP yang memberikan layanan fasilitas jaringan internet untuk masyrakat luas, baik untuk pribadi maupun untuk kelompok, seperti suatu lembaga yang ingin terhubung dengan jaringan internet. Umumnya, ISP jenis ini bersifat komersial, artinya ISP ini menjual jasa layanan koneksi dengan jaringan internet.

Contoh ISP jenis ini adalah WasantaraNet, LinkNet, D-net,TelkomNet, RadNet, dan IndosatNet. Perhatikan, tidak semua ISP dapat berhubungan langsung dengan jaringan internet luar negeri (dunia) karena dana untuk tujuan tersebut sangat mahal. Oleh karena itu, hanya ISP besar yang mampu membangun jaringan internet dengan pihak luar negeri. Untuk menghemat dana, beberapa ISP yang bersifat tertutup tidak melakukan hubungan langsung dengan jaringan internet luar negeri, melainkan melalui ISP bersifat umum. Jadi, untuk menghubungkan diri ke tempat Internet, Anda perlu berlangganan ke suatu penyedia jasa layanan Internet (Internet Service Provider-ISP). ISP dianggap sebagai pintu gerbang untuk menghubungkan diri ke Internet.

Internet Service Provider atau Penyelenggara Jasa Internet (PJI). ISP atau PJI adalah perusahaan atau badan yang menyelenggarakan jasa sambungan internet serta jasa-jasa lainnya yang terkait. Umumnya perusahaan telekomunikasi merupakan penyelenggara jasa internet, seperti contohnya TELKOM dengan Telkomnet Instan dan Speedy-nya.

Kalau kita lihat ilustrasi diatas jelas bahwa ISP memiliki peran:

a. Menghubungkan seorang user ke layanan informasi World Wide Web (www)

b. Memungkinkan seorang user menggunakan layanan surat elektronik (e-mail)

c. Memungkinkan seorang user melakukan percakapan suara via internet (VoIP: Voice on Internet Protocol)

ISP dapat juga disebut pintu gerbang (gateway) untuk menuju internet. Agar kita dapat berhubungan ke internet, kita perlu mendaftarkan ke ISP untuk mendapatkan nama dan alamat di internet. Terdapat berbagai jenis layanan yang disediakan oleh suatu ISP, seperti :

a. Dial-up, merupakan layanan yang disediakan untuk para pengguna internet yang ingin menggunakan akses melalui kabel telepon yang didukung oleh modem.

b. Hotspot, merupakan layanan untuk pengguna yang membutuhkan koneksi internet pada lokasi-lokasi tertentu seperti di mall, café, dan bandara.

c. Mobile Access, merupakan salah satu layanan akses internet yang dapat diperoleh secara mudah dan praktis melalui perangkat telepon genggam (hp), sehingga dapat menggunakan internet di mana pun kamu berada, selama masih dalam daerah cakupan dari operator telepon genggam.

d. Wireless, merupakan layanan internet dengan menggunakan teknologi tanpa kabel.

e. Dedicated connection., terhubung secara terus menerus selama 24 jam setiap hari. Umumnya digunakan untuk mengakses internet melalui fiber optic, jaringan TV kabel, Satelit, dan tetepon rumah

Dalam menentukan ISP yang akan digunakan ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu :

1. Backbone koneksi yang dimiliki. Ini menentukan kapasitas terpasang yang bisa disediakan untuk lalulintas data. Semakin besar backbone yang dimiliki semakin baik. Biasanya dinyatakan dalam ukuran Mbps.

2. Kecepatan dan jenis modem yang bisa dilayani. Terutama perlu dipastikan layanan di daerah mana kita akan melakukan koneksi, karena meskipun kita menggunakan ISP yang sama seringkali layanan yang diberikan berbeda, tergantung pada daerahnya.

3. Lokasi akses point terdekat. Hal ini terutama berlaku untuk kota – kota besar seperti Jabotabek dan Surabaya, dimana meskipun satu kode wilayah, tetapi biaya pulsa telepon bisa berbeda.

4. Lokasi akses point lain disekitar tempat tinggal kita.

Pelanggan yang berlangganan dengan sebuah ISP harus mengikuti aturan-aturan berlangganan yang ditetapkan oleh ISP tersebut. Biasanya masing-masing ISP memiliki kebijakan-kebijakan tersendiri namun pada umumnya ISP-ISP tersebut melarang pelanggan untuk menggunakan koneksi internet untuk keperluan-keperluan yang negative dan melanggar hukum.

Kita mungkin sudah kenal dengan Telkomnet instant, produk layanan internet ini adalah salah satu produk internet yang sudah cukup lama hadir di masyarakat. Pemakai sangat gampang dalam melakukan koneksi ke internet, cukup sediakan sebuah modem yang terhubung ke PC dan line telepon, pelanggan langsung bisa melakukan koneksi dengan mudah, cukup dial nomer tertentu masukkan username dan password, beres.
Tipe layanan dari ISP biasanya dapat kita kategorikan menjadi 2 bagian yaitu :

1. Dial on demand Internet

Dial on demand ini adalah layanan internet dimana pelanggan tidak terkoneksi secara terus menerus ke internet. Pelanggan akan dibebani biaya berdasarkan lamanya mereka terkoneksi ke internet.

2. Dedicated Internet

Pelanggan yang menggunakan dedicated internet akan terhubung terus dengan internet 24/7. Sistem pembayaran dari layanan ini juga biasanya dilakukan per bulan dimana pelanggan akan membayar sesuai dengan paket yang ditawarkan, baik selama sebulan tersebut pengguna memang benar menggunakan internet 24 jam penuh atau tidak.
Sistem dedicated ini biasanya mahal, dan biasanya untuk menekan biaya langganan, ISP memberikan beberapa metode untuk menekan harga misalnya dengan membatasi jumlah data yang boleh didownload dan diupload oleh pelanggan selama 1 bulan. Jumlah batasan data ini biasanya disebut dengan quota.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

W.E.S.T ( We are Eleven Sains Two )

Biarin dikatain IPA"an, kita (aku) ga pernah tersinggung. Orang lain itu kan bebas menilai kita, iya ga ? ^^ Awalnya aku itu masuk kelas IPS2 tapi aku pengen masuk IPA jadi aku ikut kelas transisi. Aku ditaro (jiah ditaro) di kelas IPA2, ketemu sama temen" yg asli IPA dan tentu juga yang transisi. Aku ikut masa percobaan 1 bulan, dan akhirnya masa percobaanku HABIS (bebas TRANSISI)! yippie!
Pertama-tama masuk kelas IPA rasanya asing, liat sekeliling kayaknya anak"nya galak (aku diliatin T_T) trus kelaperan trus karena mumpung ada aku, jadi aku yang dimakan. hueee T~T (ah lebay). Akhirnya hari demi hari aku lewatin di kelas IPA2-ku (yeeey) sama ke-45 orang lainnya di kelasku dan Bu Utari sebagai wali kelasku. Guru paling top markotop itu paling bisa aja buat kita-kita ketawa XD. Semakin hari aku semakin kenal temen" sekelasku, dari bangku utara sampe yang paling selatan. hehe. :)
Aku duduk sebangku sama Ayu Yuli, trus di depanku ada Lilik yang LEMOT abis! yang duduk sama Widya yang otaknya encer sampe keluar lewat kuping. bwahahaha XD trus belakangku ada Pramana yang BAWEL abis, tapi dy tukang bawa laptop keliling loh , hihi. Dy duduk sama Rina yang sodaraan sama ayu yuli. Trus di kelasku juga ada 2 orang india yang idungnya MAAAANCUNG, yaitu Amir dan Razi. Amir duduknya sama Billy yang OLOK" PONG! trus razi duduknya sama Dwi Adi yang suka main silat"an trus LEBAI banget(╯_╰). Dibelakang dwi adi ada Rio yang suka ketawa ngakak (GA JELAS) trus tiba" mingkem, dy duduknya sama Digha yang suka cengengesan. Di bangku selatan sebelahku ada Yulia yang rambutnya curly" gimanaaaah gitchuu ╯ಊ╰, yulia duduknya sama Trima yang trima" aja kalo diapa"in. hehehe :B trus belakangnya ada Aristamy dia pacarnya billy tapi kalo ketawa, wuiih semeriwing dengernya(⊙_◎) dy duduknya sama Devi yang ketawanya kayak ga serius gitu deh. (apaan coba ketawa ga serius). Temenku ada yang lebay sampe sekarang satu kelas aja ga yakin kalo dia itu cowo, namanya Yohanes. ada masih banyak lagi temen" satu kelasku, ada Kama, Cristin, Herlina, Cia, Devi Aryani, Tia, Indra, Irwan (suaranya mahal lho), Adrian, Verdio, Justin, Sungging (dia prince charming di kelas kitaa ToT) trus ada Aji (sekseh loh dia), Yohana, Ayu Chandra, Sinta, Christina, Thalita, Adi Setiawan (kalo nguap, masukin sepatu cukup kok dicoba aja kalo ga percaya), Decky, Susiani, Ila, Betari, Indah, Dian (mantannya SABO), Emi, Ari, Septian dan Ayu Widya.
Jeeeng Jeeeng !! pada akhirnya kami sepakat menamakan kelas kami ada W.E.S.T (We Are Eleven Sains Two)

Own Creation ^^

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Little Flower Candy Co

Little Flower Candy CompanyThings are looking up in Los Angeles. More and more small confectioners are opening storefronts. Last year it was Valerie Confections, where I’ve been picking up teacakes and petit fours along with their toffees and truffles.

I was so pleased to see that Little Flower Candy Company also opened a cafe in Pasadena at the beginning of the year. Since my whale watching trip was canceled on Saturday morning, my husband and I went over for some lunch and sweets.

They only make candy during the week, so there wasn’t anything to see in the kitchen except our lunch being made. I had a vegetarian sandwich with a tempeh base, olive tapenade, sprouts and avocado on a hearty whole wheat bread. I also had an excellent fresh cup of coffee roasted by City Bean Coffee. My husband had a turkey and cheese sandwich on the same bread and we both got super-garlicky and salty pickles.

Little Flower Candy Company HoneycombAfter lunch we browsed their selection of fresh candies that include Little Flower’s famous caramels and marshmallows, but I wanted to try something new. So I picked up a package of the stunningly gorgeous Honeycomb and some Marshmallow Puffs.

Honeycomb is pretty simple stuff, the recipe is easy, most call for something like this:

  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1/4 cup light corn syrup
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • The first three are boiled together to 300 degrees, then removed from the heat and the baking soda is added. (Read more here.)

    The trick with Honeycomb is working quickly and of course having the benefit of low humidity. The fellow behind the counter said what was special about Little Flower’s is that they actually use a bit of honey in there too.

    Little Flower Candy Company Honeycomb

    It smells wonderful. Sweet and a touch like honey and a bit like cotton candy and butter.

    The look of it is also lovely, with the glossy sheen on top and all the nooks & crannies.

    The taste was a little disappointing. The crunch was good and it dissolved well. The honey and burnt sugar flavors were wonderful but towards the end it became a bit of a ball of soft sugar with a very strong taste of salt, metal and baking soda.

    I was so disappointed. But I gave it another try and found the trick was to eat a smaller bite, not a whole piece at a time. But if I did put too much in my mouth I’d just spit out the unpleasant dreck at the end. (I also found it gave me the burps later on, just like soda does.)

    Marshmallow PuffsThis was the big surprise of the whole thing, while I like honeycomb, I didn’t like theirs. And while I don’t usually like marshmallows, I liked these!

    The Marshmallow Puffs sold at the cafe are not like the gourmet, handmade marshmallows that Little Flower Candy Co. is already known for. What attracted me to these first of all was the packaging and the curious cross-branding. The narrow funnel shaped bag is in red, white & blue, in a rather retro design.

    What I found so quirky and adorable about it was that the brand on there, besides Little Flower Candy Co. is Melissa’s, a Los Angeles-based produce company. (I have no idea why, but hey, I’m not going to argue.) They’re actually made in Belgium (not a place I knew did marshmallows.) But packaging & origin aside, what got me to buy the bag was the flavor assortment, Strawberry, Vanilla and Orange Blossom. I tasted one before I bought it and it’s divine. It’s not orange juicy, it’s more of a floral essence that has some strong bergamot overtones.

    It reminds me of honey and flowers and Earl Grey tea and the wonderful marshmallows that make up the bulk of See’s Scotchmallows.

    Marshmallow Puffs

    The marshmallows are all natural and have no artificial colors. The little puffs are extruded drops. They’re rather firm and latexy, but still have a good puff that melts in the mouth.

    Strawberry is fragrant and sweet and reminds me of angel food cake and cotton candy.

    Vanilla isn’t as sweet as I’d feared and tastes, well, like a marshmallow.

    The clerk was kind enough to pick out a package that had a preponderance of orange blossom in it, so I only had three vanilla and five strawberry. The rest are the divine orange blossom. They don’t sell them on the website, but I was told if you called in an order they’d sell them to you. But you may also see them in grocery stores that carry Melissa’s produce as well. (I’d guess look at the more upscale ones like Gelson’s or Bristol Farm style chains.)

    Here’s the review at Colorado Chow that got me off my duff and over there. Little Flower is known for their excellent artisan caramels & marshmallows. I’ve only reviewed the Lemon, Vanilla and Salted caramels on the blog, and can recommend them highly.

    Choco-Fudge Mallow Sundae

    Choco-Fudge Mallow SundaeFirst, this is not a review. I did not eat this.

    A couple of years ago I raved about a product fromKandy Kastle: Gummi Lightning Bugs. It was both a candy and a novelty item and I was enchanted by the simplicity.

    Since then I’ve seen and passed up other Kandy Kastle products, things like the Mallow Burger (Candy Addict review) and 2 Tapeworms (more here).

    But when I spotted this on the shelves of the local 99 Cent Only Store, I just had to buy it. Not because I thought it was going to be good, but I was just too curious.

    The Choco-Fudge Mallow Sundae is pretty big for only 60 cents (well, technically it’s 59.99 cents) and boasts that it’s Fat Free, Cholesterol Free and Low Sodium. Because the target market for these is always swayed by those selling points.

    Choco-Fudge Mallow Sundae

    Basically the candy is a stack of flavored marshmallows in Strawberry, Vanilla, Chocolate, Green Apple. It comes with a little packet of Chocolate Fudge Candy Gel to pour over it as if it were a real ice cream sundae.

    The candy is toweringly huge at about seven inches.

    It comes tucked in a little waxed paper cup with the marshmallows firmly adhered to each other and sprinkled with colored jimmies.

    If you think they look like Play-Doh, I agree.

    Choco-Fudge Mallow SundaeAfter photographing the basic candy from many angles I took out the little Chocolate Fudge Candy Gel in order to create the image shown on the front of the package.

    When they said gel they weren’t kidding. When I first opened it, there were a few thin drips, but the rest was congealed inside. So I squeeze it a bit to mix it up and then tried to drizzle it out on the marshmallow scoops.

    It came out in a thin stream then a few chunks.

    The ingredients explain a lot: corn syrup, sugar, modified starches, water, sorbitol, potassium sorbate, artificial flavors, artificial colors (Red 40, Yellow 5, Blue 1 and Titanium Dioxide).

    Note that this Chocolate Fudge Candy Gel contains no chocolate products whatsoever. I didn’t think it would need actual chocolate, but a pinch of cocoa might make a convincing fudge sauce.

    It didn’t smell very good, kind of like fake vanilla, but not much else.

    Then I was left with this sticky tower of dry and stiff marshmallows. It smelled like a cross between green apple flavor and new shoes.

    I couldn’t eat it. I can’t eat it. I tried to take a bite of the chocolate marshmallow part, avoiding the sticky gel, but I couldn’t keep it in my mouth. It was cocoa-ish but had that green apple flavor to it as well. It was stiff and tacky and dry on the outside.

    Just too horrible to consume but an incredibly cheap decoration if you’re looking for one. My inedible rating is probably unfair because I didn’t actual try very hard so if you’ve had this and loved it, please testify to my inaccurate description of the experience of not eating it below.

    Patent Pending & Made in China.



    Whitman’s Candy Corn Marshmallow

    Whitman's Candy Corn MarshmallowMost of what I love about Halloween is the tradition. But sometimes I do like to see a bit of novelty thrown into the mix. Earlier this year I saw that Whitman’s, makers of the famous Whitman’s Sampler boxed candies, started making holiday novelty candies. Their first entry for Easter was a series of pastel confection coated marshmallows. Their entry for Halloween is similar, a candy corn shaped Marshmallow covered in Halloween Pastelle.

    The candies are sold individually wrapped, I found mine at RiteAid but I also saw them at Walgreen’s. Each piece is an ounce and comes in a simple cellophane sleeve with a decorative Halloween black & orange border. At fifty cents each it wasn’t hard to take a gamble on them.

    Whitman's Candy Corn Marshmallow

    The construction is simple. It’s a rounded triangle of soft, almost gooey marshmallow covered in a white confection. The coating is orange and yellow and frosted in the form of a piece of candy corn. Of course it’s missing a whole stripe, which was a bit disappointing. But the shades and ratios of the colors that they do have are dead on good mimics.

    Whitman's Candy Corn Marshmallow

    This is pure sugar with scant other ingredients to break up the sweetness. The “pastelle” coating has a good snap like a white chocolate but no other flavor - no milky notes, no vanilla. It’s smooth enough though that it creates a bit of a creamy container for the marshmallow. Since this was exceptionally fresh the marshmallow was moist and fluffy, though also a bit sticky. It melts into a fluffed cream instead of a latexy marshmallow. It’s less sweet than the coating, but on it’s own it’s still throat searing.

    It’s cute to look at and of course quite economical as far as Halloween-themed edible decorations go. While I found the Easter ones a little off-putting because part of me wanted them to be flavored, this one actually reminded me a little of candy corn. Not enough to make me buy it again.

    Beef Sesame Sushi

    Beef Sesame Sushi


    • 400 gr beras Jepang
    • 500 ml air
    • 2 sendok teh mirin
    • 50 ml rice vinegar
    • 1 sendok makan gula pasir
    • ½ sendok teh garam


    • 300 gr daging sukiyaki
    • Saus tiram secukupnya
    • 2 sendok makan saus sambal
    • 2 sendok makan saus tomat
    • Garam dan merica bubuk secukupnya
    • 2 sendok makan margarin
    • 2 lembar nori
    • 1 buah wortel, iris memanjang
    • ½ buah paprika merah, iris memanjang
    • ½ buah paprika hijau, iris memanjang
    • 100 gr wijen, sangrai

    Cara membuat:

    1. Cuci beras hingga bersih
      Campur beras dengan air dan mirin, masak hingga air meresap. Angkat.
    2. Kukus nasi selama 30 menit atau hingga matang. Angkat.
    3. Campur nasi panas-panas dengan rice vinegar, gula pasir dan garam, aduk rata. Sisihkan.
    4. Campur daging, saus tiram, saus sambal, saus tomat, garam, dan merica bubuk, aduk rata dan diamkan selama 25 menit.
    5. Panaskan margarin, masak daging hingga matang.
    6. Siapkan bambu penggulung sushi, letakkan selembar nori lalu beri nasi di atasnya, ratakan.
    7. Letakkan di atasnya tumisan daging, paprika dan wortel, gulung hingga padat dan rapi. Potong-potong sushi.
    8. Gulingkan sushi di atas wijen hingga rapi. Sajikan.
    9. Hasil: 10 buah.

    Mochi Frozen Yogurt - Downtown Orlando

    Mochi Frozen Yogurt - Downtown Orlando

    Mochi's is the latest arrival of the frozen yogurt craze that has been hitting the nation by offering a healthier, lower calorie alternative to traditional ice cream.

    Conveniently located right next door to Bento Cafe underneath the Plaza Cinema cafe plaza, you can head over to Mochi's right after dinner for dessert and before a movie lol. Another bonus is that they provide parking validation! Scoree

    What is a mochi? Mochi is a Japanese rice cake made of glutinous rice pounded into paste and molded into shape. They have about 2-3 different types of mochi available as toppings, chopped up into tiny bite sized bits, as well as numerous fruits, nuts, and other yummy toppings.

    They have about six types of frozen yogurt from taro to mango to coconut to coco-nilla, all quite tasty and tarty. After you finish mixing and matching, they weigh your concoction at the register and you pay for it by the ounce. Definitely check it out if you're in the area!

    A View inside Mochi Frozen Yogurt

    A multitude of toppings to choose from


    Rocky Road Ice Cream Tart Recipes.. Yumm :9

    Rocky Road Ice Cream Tart

    This is a really easy recipe for a Rocky Road Ice Cream Tart. This, like most of my other recipes, is one that is easily altered to suit your own tastes.


    • 1 litre chocolate ice-cream
    • 1 x 250g pkt plain chocolate biscuits, coarsely broken
    • 125g unsalted butter, melted
    • 250g marshmallows, coarsely chopped
    • 6 Ferrero Rocher, halved


    Place the ice-cream in the fridge for 40 minutes to soften.

    Meanwhile, place the biscuits in the bowl of a food processor and process until fine crumbs form. You are best to buy plain chocolate biscuits, (for us Aussies we’re talking Arnott’s Choc Ripple), rather than chocolate-coated varieties.

    Add the butter and process until well combined. Gently press the biscuit mixture over the base and side of a 3.5cm-deep, 25cm (base measurement) fluted tart tin. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes to chill.


    Once the ice cream is soft and the tart base is chilled, transfer it to a large metal bowl and use a large spoon to fold in the chopped marshmallows.

    Arrange the halved Ferrero Rochers over the base of the tart. Spoon over the ice-cream and marshmallow mixture and then use a spatula to smooth the surface. Cover with plastic wrap and then place in the freezer overnight or until firm.

    To serve, slice the tart into generous pieces and serve as desired – with cream, more marshmallows, cocoa powder or even drizzled with the Chocolate Sauce from my Chocolate Eton Mess recipe.

    If you like this, why not try some of these variations: Mint ice-cream with peppermint crisp chunks and vanilla marshmallows; chocolate ice-cream with Cadbury Cherry Ripe chunks and pink marshmallows; vanilla ice-cream with Cadbury Crunchie chunks and vanilla marshmallows…

    Halloween.. TOT

    A day where dogs live out their dreams of becoming Wonder Woman,

    a hippie van,

    a log,

    a taco,
    Lobster dog
    and a lobster boiling in a pot of hot water.

    Ahh, the holidays..